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History of spirulina

Everyone must have heard about the cosmic question as to what came first the chicken or the egg and the most obvious answer is spirulina.

Oldest form on earth

Spirulina is the oldest living form of life on earth, Spirulina today falls in the category of super food and people take it as a health supplement.

But the history of spirulina goes back to 3.5 billion years ago, that is in the days of Yore. It was one of the first photosynthetic life on earth and was one of the favorite catalysts for human development.

More about the past

The history of spirulina goes back to billions of years ago when carbon dioxide was found in the Earth’s atmosphere, spirulina began to appear on Earth, consuming carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converted it into oxygen.

Spirulina has also started absorbing the energy of the sun in its aquatic surrounding, after that the cells started transforming vital nutrients such as protein fatty acids, vitamins, mineral and phytonutrient into Spirulina’s energy.

Essential nutrients

Spirulina contains ample amount of nutrients in comparison to the other nutrients, it produces essential things for human’s development for life and it is the real creational segment for life.

Single cellular organism

How important is it that this small single-celled organism is one of the primary catalysts for the production of all the things needed by the earth to create and maintain life.

In the history of Spirulina, indigenous were first used and it was known as the oldest form of those tribes.

The indigenous tribes of Africa worked in the field of spirulina harvesting and got noticed by the French scientists in 1940s.

Discovery by the scientist

Over the next 30 years, the scientist began to discover the qualities of spirulina in the form of a food source, which eventually caughts the eyesight of the united nation.

The United Nations spent first few years studying the history of Spirulina as a food source and mentioned it in the World Food Conference in 1947, which gave it the name of future food.

NASA and the World Health Organization began to study the history of spirulina.

When they were sure that spirulina is a good source of food, They found that it was easily planted and cut by astronauts and then it can be eaten very easily, after this NASA listed it in the category of the ideal food source as it provides the astronauts with health and essential nutrients.

Recommended food for astronauts

Today it is considered the best food for astronauts because of the essential nutrients in it.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has started pushing spirulina and also aware the people about the spirulina health benefits. It is being circulated entirely all over the world. It is also available in the market in the form of tablets and powders.

You might assume that this small single-cell organism contains more nutrients than any other food on the planet, and the nutrients present in spirulina are easily consumed in the body.

There are abundant nutrients of amino acids, non-essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamin enzymes, essential minerals, colloidal minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and these nutrients are essential for your health.

It contains more than 100 nutrients. It helps in fixing and nurturing almost every major aspect of the human body and keeping it healthy.

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